I like the idea of using technology to help build relationship with students. I think similarly to the way we support excellent readers with reading materials, we can be working to support students who are more tech-literate. I also see the benefits of using technology to make learning more fun. It might be a lot more fun students to do activities using a creative program online rather than something that involves pencil to paper. I think a major consideration is the teacher/instructor’s ability to use technology.
I jokingly wanted to search for a sea urchin icon and this ended up starting my sketch note. I began with the simple icon, then I added the name and specified that its the red species, I also remember my mom always saying the otters love to eat them and added the otter icon. I managed to find language in my dialect for the urchin and otter words but also for a phrase from a fluent speaker explaining the nearly extinct species in our area suffers because of the sea otters. I think this is super useful for learners who appreciate the visual aspect of the information. It can help to associate a photo, icon, or colour to help retain the information. I definitely enjoy this and find it helps me when I need to recall information (I will think of the way it was laid out on the sheet especially if there was a colour or picture associated with the info). Diverse students may enjoy the opportunity to create their own style of note taking, they may take preference on the style they use. For example, one student in my practicum drew all her pictures in a sort of anime style and it would be helpful to her if drawing was an option during class assignments. I also liked the opportunity to use my language for this lab and see how this can easily be utilized for language learning assignments or other progress recording. One con may be that some learners just do not feel inclined to draw, I have had students in the practicum who felt that drawing was not helpful to them. It was these students who we encouraged along by asking for the minimal stickmen drawings. I think sketchnoting can still be helpful for concept mapping or mind mapping if the students do not wish to have any sort of icons included. Icons definitely felt like less pressure than me trying to draw a detailed otter though and I will definitely use this tip for doodling with my future students.
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